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Solid black Siberian cat

Siberian cats authorised colours

​Basic colours are black, red and white which can be nuanced if the cat is dilution gene bearer. example red becomes cream and black=> blue .

To these colours white spots are possible as well.

Cinnamon, lilac, chocolate and fawn are forbidden.

Siberian male Black silver Blotched Tabby
Ulyana Siberian female Blue mackerel Tabby
Black Silver Spotted Tabby and white Siberian Kitten
Siberian kitten Brown Spotted Tabby

If the cat has a single colour without marking it is called solid otherwise it is called Tabby.

Tabby marking specifics:

  • a M on the top of the head

  • eye-liner

  • Markings on the body

  • etc.

 Black silver spotted Tabby Siberian kitten

Tabby markings

Siberian cat Tabby design
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