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Siberian kitten silver SIBERIAN EXPRESS Montpellier Hérault Nouvelle Aquitaine

From now on , a French law authorises only breeders to sell kitten or puppies in order to protect pets and avoid smugglings .

Why neutered/sterilise a Kitten?

  • Because if not, he or she will wander in order to find a female or a male to mate with therefore increase the risk of disappearance

  • To prevent fights with other males and therefore avoid injuries and transmission of diseases.

  • to avoid territory's markings inside your house

  • to avoid loud meows days and nights during heat periods,

  • to avoid contraceptive pill for females (cancer risks) 

  • Please be aware that the essential oils inhaled, poisoned the cats' liver and some plants are highly toxic to cats if ingested. Before adopting a kitten check your environment..

Siberian kitten France occitanie tarn Albi

"a house without a cat is an aquarium without fish"

Jean-Louis Hue

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